Holiday Season

 Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for friends, family, health or whatever else you wish to give thanks for as well as, giving to others in any way you can.  November first is the start of the Holiday season and can become very hectic and stressful for some.
     Here at Clutter Conversions, we enjoy giving you monthly tips to make life easier and more enjoyable for you, your family and your coworkers.  By sending you space organizing and time management tips we hope that you are getting a chance to do things in life you truly want to do.

9 Easy Ways for Having a Stress-Free Holiday!
     This is the time of year that everyone should be enjoying time with family and loved ones and that includes YOU!
      Yes! You can have dinner parties and enjoy your guests!  You can make time to go to the mall and enjoy your shopping without rushing!  You can enjoy decorating your home without stress or spending a lot of money! How? Follow these tips and enjoy the holidays!!

1) Say "NO". Be realistic about what you can and cannot do. Each day has 24 hours.  Enjoy the holiday season with time for yourself

2) Create a game plan.   If you are hosting a holiday party or you're the one fixing the main holiday feast, PLAN!!

3) Make a list.  Make a list of who you are buying presents for and what you want to get them.  Stick to that list when you go shopping, it will save you time and money. 

4) Prepare ahead of time. Take a look at the area you will be holding your party/dinner and ask yourself two simple questions.

                  Is there any decorating I can do the day before? 

                  Is there anything I can cook or prepare the day/night before?

5) Everything in Moderation:  Gifts, food, time and money.

6) Wrap up your presents wisely.  Do not buy too much - only buy 2 kinds of wrapping paper so that you can mix and match ribbon and bows with them.

7) Keep things in order. At this time of the year, it is easy to let things slide.  You can still be de-cluttering about 15 minutes every evening.

8) Ask for help.  This is the Season of Giving...let others give to you as well.  Are you baking?  Ask for a helping hand rather than struggling to multi-task drying clothes, cooking, cleaning, and a thousand other chores.

9) Remember kindness starts with YOU! Be kind to yourself.  Schedule time during the Holiday Season for you!